The absolute sweetest Harlequin macaw that I started hand raising at 2 1/2 weeks of age. Now being around 28 weeks of age. This baby came from the loving parents that I own. So I know the history behind these birds. This bird adores having his head scratched and hugged in my arms like you would a child. He loves when I rub my face on his, he will just about fall asleep when you do. I also give him kisses and working with him to give kisses back. He's trying to learn how to talk now. Little stuff like hi and mama. Loves hanging out on his tree stand watching out of the window with his brother and sister when you're not messing with him. Once in awhile when he wants loving he'll jump to the floor and walk over to where you're standing and start messing with your shoes to get your attention. Then when you look down at him, he looks up with that baby look. Just too darn cute. I've put a lot of time working with this bird just like I do with all my birds. I want the new owner to have a well trained and trainable bird that you would truly enjoy. A happy bird that's been well loved starts here and now I want you to give him the attention an training along with giving you the enjoyment of having such a loving bird. I really love and enjoy this bird but I would love to find him a forever home. I want someone to give him the love and attention that he well deserves. A forever home. I would prefer someone that has handled large birds before so they can understand just how to train/handle them. I don't want to worry over if he's being taking care of. The Harlequins are the absolute easiest large bird to work with and to train. They are known for having a laid back and affectionate personalities. Harlequins are a good choice for those who would like a large bird with a calm demeanor. Highly intelligent, comical and strikingly beautiful yet very affectionate. They thrive on socialization and a lot of interaction known to do well with families. Young enough to teach your bird a ton of new things. I prefer serious inquires when asking or wanting to see the bird. Thank you for your interest in him. Hope to talk with you soon. Have a blessed day.
Shipping with Delta is only for large birds.