Breeder Piedmont Parrots Aviary of Virginia VA, US
Bird ID 209706
Price $1,800.00
Shipping $250.00
US except AK, HI
Total Available
  • 1 Female
Age Hatched
Posted 5/4/2024
Hatched 4/13/2024
Ready 5/4/2024

Preference to someone that wants to finish hand feeding which would be pick up only. Indian Ringnecks greatly benefit from the early bond that is formed during the hand-rearing process and by doing this you will be much happier with your pet! This baby is a female emerald violet harlequin that hatched 04/13/2024 and she is 1800 now or 2000 weaned. My cobalt clear tail X cinnamon violet cleartail pair also is on eggs again! 🤞🏻

We offer shipping via Delta cargo with insurance through the airline (declared value) up to $5,000. The shipping fee includes the ticket, insurance, administrative work, transport to my airport (IAD or DCA), and a customized crate that includes a perch, food, dishes, and protective screening.
We stand behind our birds with a 3-day health guarantee outlined in a sales agreement signed at sale.

Piedmont Parrots Aviary of Virginia

Gainesville, VA